3 Reasons Why Every Christian Should be Reading the Bible Every Day

“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.”  (1 Peter 2:2-3)

My Appeal

Far too many professing Christians admit having a Bible reading track record that disappoints. Most agree that their time in God’s Word could be better. But, what is being done about it? How much longer does it have to be this way before a change takes place? Let’s be honest…if you don’t read your Bible it is because you don’t want to read your Bible. Our relationship to the Bible reveals our relationship to God. No Bible reading plan will do, until our reason for being in the Word changes.

Three Reasons to Read Every Day

No matter what the reasons are for you lacking the motivation to read God’s Word, my prayer is for all of that to change after reading this article. 

1. Scripture gives life

     Like newborn infants…(1 Peter 2:2a)

Did you read that? Don’t miss this powerful truth! It’s right there in front of us in the pages of Scripture. The very Scriptures that we are called to spend time in as believers, are the very Words God first used to bring us to salvation. You may not know my story but I became a Christian by reading my Bible. No altar call. No “pray this prayer after me.” No conference. No church service. It was just me and my Bible and God was pleased to show up by His Spirit and use His Word to give me new life. Don’t underestimate the power of the Word of God, which is “able to make you wise for salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15).

2. Scripture nourishes

The great American Evangelist Dwight L. Moody once said, “The Bible will keep you from sin, and sin will keep you from the Bible.” Mark this down: The word of God is not only the basis for spiritual birth, it’s also the basis of spiritual growth. You cannot have a strong, healthy, and growing desire for God’s word if your life is clothed in the very sins that the word of God condemns. Sin, harbored in our hearts, leads to malnourishment. If you want to develop an appetite for the word of God again, you must lay aside these sins.

We are to crave God’s word as a way of life. Job 23:12 says, “I have not departed from the commandments of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my portion of food.” Psalm 19:10 says, “More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.” Jeremiah 15:16 says, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words become to me a joy and the delight of my heart.”.

3. Scripture assures

Most Christians, when they think of their salvation, they think past tense. “I have been saved.” The Bible actually sets forth a more comprehensive picture of our salvation: We have been saved, we are being saved, we will be saved.

The apostle Peter here in verse 2 uses this interesting phrase, “you may grow up into salvation.” When we trust in Jesus Christ, our eternal security in Christ becomes a spiritual reality. Assurance is the confident realization of that security. It’s the realization of what we have in Christ such as eternal life, forgiveness of sin, and being the object of God’s personal care as his children.

Assurance of salvation, simply put, is knowing for sure that you are saved. The problem is that many Christians look for the assurance of their salvation in the wrong places. Assurance means freedom from doubt. By taking God’s Word to heart, you can have no doubt about the reality of your eternal salvation. Scripture, with all of the promises of God, is there to offer us the assurance we need to live victorious. Which is all the more reason why as Christians we ought to devote daily time in God’s Word.